Visite émouvante des Arènes de Nîmes

Carte parente : Visite de Nîmes

Récit lié : Occitanie

On Monday, April 17 we went to the Arena in Nîmes. The Arena of Nîmes is a Roman amphitheater, situated in the French city of Nîmes. It was built shortly after the Colosseum of Rome, it is one of the best-preserved Roman amphitheatres in the world. The arena is in great shape and is very beautiful. We were amazed, because coincidentally during our visit a funeral was held for a matador which was attended by a great number of people. The funeral was very touching, everyone inside had red roses which they laid down on the casket and applauded when it was carried around the arena. Even though it was a funeral it brought life to the arena. We learned that every year in June and September they have a festival called Féria which includes bull fights. It is astounding that the arena has been used for entertainment purposes for more than 2000 years.

The entrance of Amor Antunez, known as "El Andaluz" took place through the Consul Gate. Traditionally, bullfighters who achieve a triumph in the arenas get the right "to open the Door of Consuls". An ultimate "Vuelta al Ruedo"!

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